Taking God Out Of School Leaves A Vacuum Something Will Replace
by Michael Johnson, Townhall.com, February 28, 2007
Here’s a little test of your sensitivity to the current culture:
Suppose your child’s school announces a Christmas celebration – and your child, while subscribing to your atheistic beliefs, decides to participate. So he goes, dressed as Santa Claus. read more...
Tenured bigots
World Magazine, August 18, 2007
David French has known for years that college campuses are bastions of anti-evangelical bias. He knew it when he served on the admissions committee at Cornell Law School and watched his colleagues ridicule evangelical applicants as "Bible thumpers" or members of the "God squad." read more...
Group fights lesbian 'divorce'
by Cheryl Wetzstein, posted on Washington Times, August 16, 2007
The Rhode Island Supreme Court should rule that a lesbian couple who "married" in Massachusetts can't get "divorced" in Rhode Island because such an act would legalize same-sex "marriage" in the state, say court papers filed by a conservative legal defense organization. read more...
Same-sex marriage could spread with 'divorce' ruling
WorldNetDaily, August 3, 2007
A lesbian couple who obtained a marriage license in Massachusetts is seeking a divorce in their home state of Rhode Island in a case that could result in the spread of same-sex marriage. read more...
Court hears appeal on gay issue in Boyd
Associated Press, July 26, 2007
A federal appeals court heard arguments yesterday from a religious liberty group that opposed required anti-harassment training at an Eastern Kentucky high school. read more...
Gay-Friendly "Diversity Training" to be Mandatory in Spanish Schools
LifeSiteNews.com, July 25, 2007
The socialist government of Spain, while facing increasing domestic skepticism for its social re-engineering policies, has declared that "diversity" education will become a compulsory part of the schools curriculum starting in the new academic year. read more...
Some say schools giving Muslims special treatment
USA Today, July 25, 2007
Some public schools and universities are granting Muslim requests for prayer times, prayer rooms and ritual foot baths, prompting a debate on whether Islam is being given preferential treatment over other religions. read more...
Amnesty International Unlikely to Drop Newfound Pro-Abortion Position
LifeNews.com, July 26, 2007
Amnesty International upset millions of pro-life supporters months ago when it decided to take a pro-abortion position after decades of neutrality. Any decision on abortion was supposed to come at an AI leadership conference in August in Mexico City -- but with the meeting on the horizon, a change of heart isn't expected. read more...
Planned Parenthood rape stats questioned
WorldNetDaily, July 26, 2007
A pro-life organization in Waco, Texas, is calling for an explanation of a huge discrepancy between statistics regarding statutory rape cases Planned Parenthood says it has reported, and the number of those cases documented by law enforcement or other authorities. read more...
Protect "Under God"
The Pledge of Allegiance, including the phrase "one nation under God," is once again under attack. A lawsuit has been filed against Congress that the Pledge is unconstitutional and is a violation of the separation of church and state.
ADF offers to defend schools attacked for allowing church to provide shoes to needy children - 12.17.07
The Alliance Defense Fund is offering legal defense, free of charge, for two South Carolina school districts should they be challenged in court for allowing volunteers with a church-sponsored program to deliver new shoes to needy children in their districts. Americans United for Separation of Church and State sent a letter to the school districts threatening legal action if they continue to allow the program
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